Franklin Pierce Schools is proud to announce that Nick Watkins, a science teacher at Franklin Pierce High School, has been selected to participate in a cohort organized by Vernier Science Education. The cohort, comprised of ten teachers from across the country, will participate in professional development, provide training on best practices for science courses, and publish and design curriculum.
Franklin Pierce Schools is excited to announce that Angenette Picket Call has been appointed to serve in the district 2 position on the FPS Board of Directors. Picket Call will replace Ron Nerio, whose family recently moved beyond district boundaries.
This Spring, Wendy Malich, Director of Athletics and Activities with Franklin Pierce Schools, has received prestigious honors on a local and state-wide level. Locally, Wendy Malich was recently awarded the West Central District (WCD) Athletic Director of the Year award, and state-wide, she was awarded the Washington State Athletic Director of the Year award.
Director Nerio formally submitted his resignation to the Franklin Pierce Schools Board of Directors on Tuesday, March 19 after his growing family recently moved out of the district. His departure leaves a current vacancy on the FPS Board of Directors in District 2. Those interested in applying or nominating someone to be encouraged to apply can visit
On Friday, February 16, Liza Klumpar, Chief Technology Officer, was honored as the NCCE Outstanding Technology Leader Award recipient during the keynote event at the annual 53rd technology conference in Seattle, WA. This esteemed award is presented by Northwest Council for Computer Education (NCCE), a not-for-profit educational technology professional learning organization.
Media Inquiries:
All media inquiries can be directed to Joel Zylstra with the Franklin Pierce School Public Information Office at (253) 298-3087 or by emailing