Franklin Pierce Schools is proud to announce that in partnership with United Way of Pierce County and Tacoma Community House, the Franklin Pierce Center for Strong Families is open!
Collins Elementary was recently recognized by the Washington Association for School Leaders and the Association of Washington School Principals for their work in fostering a positive school culture and a strong sense of community.
Franklin Pierce Schools is delighted to announce a new partnership with Communities in Schools (CIS) of Lakewood at Ford Middle School. Communities in Schools is a national organization comprised of local affiliates throughout the country.
Last week, the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP) stopped in to award Keithley Middle School (PGK) the inaugural Schools on the Rise Award.
Please join us in congratulating Mr. Dan Call, teacher at Franklin Pierce High School for being awarded the Washington Association for Language Teaching's State Teacher of the Year award!
Media Inquiries:
All media inquiries can be directed to Joel Zylstra with the Franklin Pierce School Public Information Office at (253) 298-3087 or by emailing