1815 Ethical Conduct for School Board Directors

Policy Statement
Each board director has taken an oath of office to support the Constitutions of the United States and Washington state. The Franklin Pierce School Board and each of its school board directors is committed to upholding the oath of office and to ethical behavior.
Ethical behavior is an individual responsibility. Each school board director and the Board as a whole will base their conduct on these core ethical principles:
Objectivity – School board directors must place the public’s interest before any private interest or outside obligation – choices need to be made on the merits.
Selflessness – School board directors should not take actions or make decisions in the performance of their position in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
Stewardship – School board directors should conserve public resources and funds against misuse and abuse.
Transparency – School board directors must practice open and accountable government. They should be as open as possible about their decisions and actions, while protecting truly confidential information.
Integrity – School board directors should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organizations that might inappropriately influence them in the performance of their official duties.
Failure to adhere to these core ethical principles or failure to comply with other policies adopted by the Board or the law may result in the school board taking formal censure of the offending school board director in accordance with FPS Board Policy 1825: Addressing School Board Director Violations.