Daily Attestations

Daily Symptom Checker Survey

The Daily Symptom Checker Survey is designed for families to assess their student’s health on a daily basis. An automated email will be sent daily at 4:30 a.m. on the designated onsite school days with the Daily Symptom Checker Survey link. The link provided is unique to each student for each day and cannot be shared or reused. The survey will be sent on non-school days that fall within the onsite school days. The Daily Symptom Checker Survey emails can be disregarded on non-school days.

Students who are symptom-free will receive a time-stamped certification to participate in school and related activities. If the symptoms indicate a potential COVID-19 infection, the solution will display further instructions for self-care. The solution produces a certification confirmation delivered by email that includes the certificate result.

In order to effectively use the Daily Symptom Checker Survey, parents and guardians will need to do the following:

  • Monitor your child(ren) DAILY for COVID symptoms.
  • Complete the COVID-19 Daily Symptom Checker Survey for each child BEFORE coming to school each day.
  • Develop a plan to pick up your child(ren) from school promptly if they are presenting with a COVID-like symptom(s) while at school.

Attestation FAQs

Step by Step Guide

1st Screen – Short description of Daily Symptom Checker Survey
  • Translation options are available within each survey question screen.
2nd Screen – Attendance plans for the day
  • If ‘Yes’ is selected you will continue with the survey.
  • If “No” is selected, you will proceed to questions regarding your absence.
  • If the absence is planned the survey will end. If absence is due to illness the survey will continue.
3rd Screen – Participation consent
  • The consent request will only appear the first time the survey is taken through the email s survey link.
  • If consent is not given; the survey will end and your student will be asked to stay home.
4th Screen – Opt-in to receive survey via text message.
  • If opted in, provide cell phone number. Text message will be sent out beginning at 4:30 a.m., similar to email distribution.
  • Opting in to receiving a text message will not discontinue the emails.
  • The cell phone number provided can be updated at any time and can be an alternative phone number not on file at school.
5th Screen – Symptom check If you are exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19 you will be asked to stay home.
  • If you any of the first four symptoms are selected, you will be asked to stay home AND contact your healthcare provider.
  • If you are not experiencing any symptoms you will asked about any potential exposure COVID-19.
6th Screen – Possible Exposure
  • If your student has been exposed to COVID-19 you will be asked to stay home. If they have not, your student will be certified to come in to school for that day.
7th Screen – Certification Status
  • Certification status will also be sent via email.