5201P Procedure - Drug-Free Workplace

The district Human Resources Department will coordinate a drug-free workplace awareness program for all employees. All employees will receive information regarding the drug-free workplace policy. New employees will obtain this information at their orientation to the district.
An employee who violates this policy shall be subject to interventions and disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Supervisor – employee conference
  • Encouragement to seek assistance; e.g., Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.)
  • Sick leave
  • Leave of absence without pay for medical reasons
  • Verbal reprimand
  • Written reprimand
  • Administrative leave with pay
  • Mandatory referral to E.A.P.
  • Mandatory referral for a medical assessment
  • Suspension without pay
  • Termination
Reporting by employees to the Executive Director of Human Resources or designee of any conviction for violation of criminal drug statutes while in the workplace will be done within five (5) days of the conviction. Upon notification, the Executive Director of Human Resources or designee will notify the federal granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace as per federal statute (Public Law 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D, the Drug-Free Workplace Act).
Within thirty (30) days after receiving notice of a criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace, the Executive Director of Human Resources or designee will:
a. Require the convicted employee to satisfactorily participate in an approved rehabilitation program at the employee’s expense; or
b. Take appropriate personnel action against the convicted employee up to and including termination.
The district will publish, post at each workplace, and provide each employee with a copy of the drug-free workplace policy. Employees will be required to abide by the terms of Policy 5201 as a condition of employment.
Note: This is not a general drug-testing policy.
Date: 2/20/91
Revised: 10/28/92; 10/14/08