English Language Development for Multilingual Learners

We believe multilingualism is an asset to be leveraged in order to build stronger cognitive and academic skills. In the Franklin Pierce School district, there are over 40 languages spoken by FPS families. Our multilingual (ML) students and families bring rich cultural and linguistic resources to our school communities!

Our English Language Development (ELD) Program:

  • Promotes the active and meaningful participation of ALL students, regardless of language proficiency or academic achievement.
  • Provides a spectrum of English Language Development (ELD) instruction and support depending on the learner's needs, from ELD classes or small groups with an ELD Specialist to co-planning or co-teaching between the ELD Specialist and general education teacher.
  • Builds on and enhances English language development through content area vocabulary acquisition and functional language structures.
  • Empowers parents to effectively advocate for their child’s learning and for the improvement of the school.
  • Trains teachers across all content areas to provide English language support by integrating students’ home languages and cultures, making content accessible through scaffolding, implementing structures for frequent peer interaction, and connecting to students’ prior knowledge and experiences.


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Program Contact:
Emily Donbeck
English Language Development Program Specialist
Map Icon Blue
 315 129th St. S
 Tacoma, WA 98444


 (253) 298-3039

(253) 298-3017



ELD Specialists Directory

  •  Brookdale Elementary
    • Torie Blanas  vblanas@fpschools.org
  • Central Avenue Elementary
    • Torie Quill​  tquill@fpschools.org
  • Christensen Elementary
    • Di Blankenship dblankenship@fpschools.org
    • Jamie Romberg  jromberg@fpschools.org
  • Collins Elementary
    • Fred Fitch ffitch@fpschools.org
    • Mallory Schramm mschramm@fpschools.org
  • Elmhurst Elementary
    • Yuliya Willis ywillis@fpschools.org
  • Harvard Elementary
    • Michelle Mead mmead@fpschools.org
  • James Sales Elementary
    • Hallie Fortt hfortt@fpschools.org
  • Midland Elementary
    • Kathleen Stevens-Barrera kstevens-barrera@fpschools.org
    • Rachel Versolenko  rversolenko@fpschools.org
  • Ford Middle School
    • Euna Bae ebae@fpschools.org
  • Perry G. Keithley Middle School
    • Katherine Maritz  kmaritz@fpschools.org
  • Franklin Pierce High School
    • Jennie Movrich   jmovrich@fpschools.org
    • Morgan Stewart  mstewart@fpschools.org
  • Washington High  School
    • Violeta Coburn-Paredes vcoburnparedes@fpschools.org
    • Chris Berggren   cberggren@fpschools.org
  • Gates High School
    • Emily Donbeck edonbeck@fpschools.org
    • Courtney Giffin  cgiffin@fpschools.org