Early Learning and Child Find Programs
Early Learning Programs
We have 6 Head Start and 6 ECEAP classrooms. Head Start classrooms can have up to 19 students each while ECEAP classrooms can have up to 19 students each. A trained teacher and paraeducator provide evidenced-based instructional practices to enhance student learning and prepare all students for Kindergarten when they turn 5.
Child Find ScreeningFor children living in the Franklin Pierce School District, there is free screening available for children ages 3-5 years old through the CHILD FIND program. The purpose of the screening is to determine if your child is in need of special education services. Your child's skills in communication, fine and gross motor, school readiness, social and behavior, and hearing are screened to determine if further testing is needed. Please call the Child Find Hotline at (253) 298-4658 to request an appointment.