Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials are all materials designed for use by students and teachers as learning resources to help students acquire knowledge, skills and/or to develop cognitive processes. These materials, used to help students meet state and local learning standards, may be printed or digital, and may include textbooks, technology-based materials, other educational media, and assessments. They may carry different licensing types from open to all rights reserved. Types of instructional materials are defined in FPS Policy 2020 Course Design, Selection, and Adoption of Instructional Materials.   

Core Instructional Materials are the primary instructional resource for a given course or content area. (Formal adoption process with Board approval)

Supplemental Materials are used in conjunction with the core instructional materials to extend and support core instruction. (Structured district-level review and approval process)

Intervention Materials support strategic or intensive intervention for students who are at risk of not meeting learning standards. (Structured district-level review and approval process)

Temporary Supplemental Materials are those items used in conjunction with the core instructional materials that are of interest or value for a short period of time and are chosen within district guidelines. (Selected by teaching staff with principal approval)

Approved Core, Supplemental, and Intervention Resources are linked below. These records are updated annually to reflect adoptions within the past year. 

Adopted Core and Supplemental Materials