Teaching and Learning Services
The TLS team provides curriculum and course frameworks and instructional resources; supports professional learning for instructional staff; develops district programs to meet the needs of individual students and particular student groups; and facilitates access for families to information around their students' learning progress. More information in each of these areas can be found in the links below. We are guided by the FPS Student Portrait, which seeks to clarify our vision for all FPS students and our FPS Unified Instructional Practices, which seeks to provide learners and educators with dispositions and mindsets to actualize this vision.
Academic Programs and SupportsCareer & Technical Education | Counseling | Early Learning and Child Find Programs |English Language Development for Multilingual Learners | Highly Capable | K-2 Literacy Development | Learning Assistance Program (LAP) | Native American Education Program | Programa de Lenguaje Dual (Dual Language) | Section 504 | Special Education | Title I |
Curriculum and Course CatalogsInstructional Materials | Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE) | Course Catalogs - Middle & High Schools | Dual Credit | College Bound |
Supporting your Student |