Safety and Security
The safety of students and staff is Franklin Pierce Schools' number one priority. Our continuing goal is to provide our 8,000 students with a healthy learning environment both during school hours and at after school and evening activities. We want all our students and staff to feel connected and receive any support that they need. Information found in this section of the website will assist parents and families in school safety and in the event of an emergency.
If you see something, say something!
315 129th St. S Tacoma, WA 98444
(253) 298-3000
What is FPS doing about student safety?
- Safety Personnel
- Safety Planning
- Safe Buildings
- Safety Support
- Safety Coordination
- Safety Communication
Safety Personnel
Did you know that Franklin Pierce Schools has a Safety, Security and Emergency Management Supervisor, 1 school resource officer (PCSD Deputy), and 5 security officers at our middle and high schools?
Safety Resources
Schedule Changes
In the event of an emergency, Franklin Pierce School District may change the scheduled start times. The following are types of schedule changes that may occur:
Two Hours Late: Schools will be open and buses will begin their routes two hours late at regularly scheduled stops.
Schools Closed: No schools will be in session in the Franklin Pierce School District. This applies only to the day that the announcement is made. No transportation will be provided to the schools. The district will communicate whether evening or after-school activities will be held.
Limited Bus Transportation: Schools will be open, but there will be limited transportation, buses will stop at regular stops with an exception of the determined routes.
Evening Activities Canceled: The district has determined that conditions are not suitable for evening or after-school activities to be held.
No Announcement:Schools will conduct their normal schedules.
Emergency Procedures
- For your security and safety, the reunification process will be very regulated. Students will only be released to parents and guardians listed under the emergency contact information provided in Skyward Family Access.
- Do not send relatives or friends to pick up your student unless they are listed as an emergency contact.
- Please be patient, the reunification process can take several hours.
Harassment Intimidation and Bullying
Franklin Pierce Schools strives to provide students with optimal conditions for learning by maintaining a school environment where everyone is treated with respect and no one is physically or emotionally harmed.
We encourage students, families, or staff to use Incident Reporting Forms to report all incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means any intentional electronic, written, verbal, auditory or physical act that:
- Physically harms a student; or
- Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or
- Is so severe, persistent or pervasive, that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
We welcome you to contact the FPS Compliance Officer, James Hester |
Safe Schools Alert
Our School Resource Officers work closely with school administration and staff to find solutions and help students. The benefit of having the presence of our SROs at our schools is that they can develop a relationship with students where students can get to know the officers and become comfortable with providing information on potential issues. These positive relationships will help prevent and reduce school violence.
Our district uses SafeSchools Alert, a tip reporting service that allows students, staff, and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration four different ways:
1. Phone: 1-855-4ALERT1, ext. 1182
2. Text: Text ALERT1 or 253781. Begin your text with
#1182 @tip + your tip
3. Email:
4. Web:
You or your child can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism or any safety issue you're concerned about through SafeSchools Alert. When you submit a tip, be sure to use our district’s identification code, 1182, in your communication.
Every tip SafeSchools Alert receives about our district is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified so that they can investigate and take appropriate action. If you prefer, tips may also be submitted anonymously.