
A Message from Our Superintendent

Dear FPS Community:

In December, the FPS Board of Directors passed a resolution that affirms our commitment to providing safe, welcoming and inclusive schools for all. This resolution is particularly important as we enter a new year with unknowns about how undocumented members of our community will be supported. I am grateful for the board’s leadership and willingness to step forward to clearly articulate our values, to prioritize relationships, and to establish safeguards for students, staff, and families in our care.

Soon we will role out a menu of offerings to educate our staff about this resolution, offer opportunities to stand in support and solidarity of those most impacted, and understand our rights and responsibilities in supporting one another.

I hope that you were able to take advantage of time off with friends and family over the winter break.

I’m not very good about naming and keeping New Year’s resolutions, but I do appreciate the intentional opportunity that we have in the world of education for two starts to the year: the start of the school year in August and the start of the calendar year in January.

One of my hopes for the calendar year is to be more deliberate about advocating and celebrating the importance of public education. It really is remarkable and shouldn’t be taken for granted. 

As we enter a new year filled with possibility and unknowns, I hope that each of us can remain grounded in the significance and importance of the work to support students, families, and our broader community.

Happy New Year!

Dr. Lance Goodpaster

Dr. Lance Goodpaster
315 129th St. South
Tacoma, WA 98444
 (253) 298-3010
(253) 298-3015