6620 Special Transportation
The following uses of district transportation are a privilege, not a right, and, except where bound by the terms of a lease, the district may revoke that privilege through official Board action at a regularly scheduled and legally advertised meeting. The superintendent shall have the authority to modify transportation services for school and extracurricular activities when the available fuel supply for regular transportation services appears to fall below the required level. Any staff member may deny transportation to any student who violates the district's written rules and regulations.
School Activities
Transportation may be provided by the district for all activities which have been officially designated by the Board as school activities. Activities may include, but not be limited to:
A. Educational field trips growing out of regular classroom activity which are planned by the teacher, approved by the principal, and supervised by school staff. Prior Board approval is required for any overnight or out of state trips; and
B. Athletics, debate, drama, music, or other Board-approved co-curricular programs.
Participants in any other activity who feel such activity should be considered an official school activity may petition the Board through the superintendent to have it considered as a school activity.
Extracurricular Activities
The superintendent may authorize the use of district transportation vehicles transporting nonparticipating students to extracurricular activities. Such vehicles may be so used when the users pay an amount sufficient to reimburse the district for the complete cost of such use. District drivers shall be used on all such trips. Participants shall be supervised by staff.
Leasing of Buses
The Board may enter into a written lease agreement with any of the following:
A. A nonprofit organization transporting handicapped children and/or persons at least 60 years of age to and from the site of activities or programs deemed beneficial to such persons by such organizations, provided that commercial bus service is not reasonably available for such purpose;
B. A governmental agency transporting personnel, supplies, and/or evacuees in the event of a major forest fire, flood, or other natural disaster; or
C. A user conducting an educational recreation program supported wholly or in part by tax funds.
Such a lease agreement shall contain a clause absolving the district of any and all liability arising from the lessee's use and operation of the district's buses and a clause requiring the lessee to maintain adequate insurance to recompense the district for the potential loss of the buses leased. Potential users shall stipulate in writing that commercial or charter bus service is not reasonably available to provide the services for which a school bus is needed. The user shall reimburse the district for the actual costs, plus a reasonable fee for use of the bus. Funds derived from the lease of a surplus bus shall be deposited in the transportation vehicle fund. If a bus is a part of the regular fleet, the funds derived from a rental or lease agreement may be deposited in the general fund.
Cooperative Programs
The Board may enter into cooperative transportation agreements with other districts when it is economically advantageous to the cooperating districts and when it does not impair the quality of educational programs available to students.
Contracted Services
The Board may enter into an agreement with a transportation provider to provide special services when it is in the district’s best interest.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.160.010 Operation of student transportation program —Responsibility of local district — Transporting of elderly — Insurance
RCW 28A.160.040 Lease of buses to transport children with disabilities and elderly — Limitation
RCW 28A.160.070 Lease of buses to transport handicapped children and elderly — Elderly persons defined — Program limitation
RCW 28A.160.080 School buses, rental or lease for emergency purposes-Authorization
RCW 28A.160.100 School buses, transportation of general public to interscholastic activities— Limitations
RCW 28A.160.120 Agreements with other governmental entities for transportation of public or other noncommon school purposes — Limitations
RCW 28A.335.060 Surplus school property, rental, lease or use of — Disposition of moneys received from
Adoption Date: 2/11/86
Franklin Pierce Schools
Revised: 12/9/08
Classification: Priority