6810 Energy Management/Education
The Board recognizes the responsibility to develop and maintain programs to support the conservation of energy and natural resources. In recognition of this leadership responsibility, the district shall strive to (a) institute effective energy management and (b) provide information and develop conservation attitudes and skills for the students it serves. The Board is committed to the conservation of energy and other resources as an element of prudent financial management. The Board believes that resource conservation should be an integral part of the physical operation of Franklin Pierce Schools and as an educational tool.
In recognition of this commitment, the district will institute an energy and resource management program that will:
A. Reduce waste of energy and utility resources;
B. Minimize costs and increase revenue through utility incentives and cost savings;
C. Avoid environmental damage attributable to regional energy generation, water supply, and waste disposal;
D. Promote environmental stewardship and conservation ethics among staff, students, and community; and
E. Improve comfort and productivity for building occupants.
It shall be the joint responsibility of the superintendent, administrators, teachers, students, and support personnel to aid in the implementation of this program to ensure the achievement of energy savings throughout the district.
Personal electrical appliances shall be used only with district maintenance approval.
In light of the increasing cost and dwindling supply of conventional energy sources, a life cycle cost analysis shall be required of each major construction project. A life cycle cost analysis shall include the evaluation of initial cost plus the cost of operation, maintenance, and increasing energy costs of a major facility over its economic life. All major facility projects shall be designed and constructed to at least the Washington sustainable school design protocol.
The superintendent or designee is authorized to establish resource management guidelines, annual energy management goals, annual energy education goals, and extrinsic rewards to district buildings in recognition of conservation accomplishments. The superintendent or designee will make periodic evaluation reports to the Board.
Legal References:
RCW 39.35 Energy conservation in design of public facilities
Adoption Date: 12/9/08
Franklin Pierce Schools
Classification: Priority