6801P Procedure - Access Control and Keys

General Provisions

It is the joint responsibility of the Safety and Security, Information Technology, and Support Services departments, working under the direction of the Deputy Superintendent, to implement these access control and key procedures. All requests for installation and expansion of electronic access control will be vetted to and, if deemed appropriate, approved by the Superintendent or designee in consultation with Safety and Security, Information Technology, and Support Services departments. 

All ID access cards (“access cards”) and keys issued shall remain the property of Franklin Pierce School District, not the individual staff member. Persons issued an access card and/or keys should only use them in accordance with this procedure.

All access cards must be returned to the Information Technology Department and all keys must be returned to the Support Services Department upon discontinuation or change of employment, school/department move, or other related change of employment. Office managers may assist in the return of access control cards and keys to the appropriate department.

Issuance and assignment
  • An access card and/or key will only be granted to individuals who have a legitimate and official need for the access and have acquired the appropriate approvals for such access according to this procedure’s authorization matrix.
  • An access card and/or key will be granted at the appropriate level in system hierarchy to provide the access required by the individual’s position and assigned responsibilities.
  • Door keys shall be issued and controlled by the Director of Support Services or their designee. Persons to whom keys are issued shall use the keys only in accordance with this procedure.
  • Access card and temporary access cards shall be produced and distributed by the District Locksmith and Information Technology Department. Issuance of new and replacement cards will be handled during normal business hours. Safety and Security/Support Services/IT/Locksmith are responsible for managing records of all cardholders and card access requests.
access card and key holder Responsibilities
  • Take appropriate measures to safeguard any Franklin Pierce School District issued access card and/or key.
  • Prominently wear/display their access card when on campus.
Authorization Matrix

This matrix displays the progressive authorization required to grant an access card/keys for each type of user. A user cannot authorize their own request.

Access Card/Key Level

Eligible Access Card/Key User by Position & Assigned Responsibilities

Progressive Authorization

Individual Room/Door Key & Campus Access Card
Para Educator
Nutrition Services
Social Worker

Office Manager > Principal > Director of Safety & Security > Information Technology > Support Services

Building Master Key & Campus Access Card
Assistant Principal
Office Manager
Office Assistant

Office Manager > Principal > Director of Safety & Security > Information Technology > Support Services

Grand Master Key &
District Access Card
Deputy Superintendent
Executive Director
Information Technology 

Director of Safety & Security > Deputy Superintendent

Key & Access Cards

Outside Contractors

Principal/District Administrator > Director of Safety & Security > Information Technology > Support Services


Access Requiring Approval by Human Resources for Physical Handicap or ADA Need

Any requests for special access privileges, which are based on physical handicap or other topics covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must be approved by the Human Resources Department.

Access by Person or Organizations with Contractual Agreements with FPSD

Access cards and keys may be issued to persons or organizations with contractual agreements with the district based upon the appropriate level required by the contractual agreement. The process for issuance of access cards and keys follows the process used for issuance of access cards and keys to FPSD employees. Individuals issued keys based upon contractual agreements will be subject to the same access card and key holder requirements as FPSD employees. The district reserves the right to deactivate access cards and revoke keys at any time.

Access by Non-Franklin Pierce School District Personnel

In certain cases, there may be a need for non-district personnel to be issued an access card or key to district facilities or rooms. In such cases, the administrator that has contracted for the services must submit an Access Control and Key Request/Agreement via Informed K12. The temporary access card will have a return due date at which time the card must be surrendered, or its issuance renewed. The district will deactivate access cards that are not returned or appropriately renewed. The key will have a return due date at which time the key must be surrendered, or its issuance renewed.

Contractor Access Cards and Keys for Support Services and IT Departments

Contractor access cards may be issued to Support Services and Information Technology departments on an annual basis to facilitate daily contractor work. Contractor access cards must be requested using the Access Control and Key Request/Agreement via Informed K12. The department administrator is responsible for facilitating the daily control of the access card.

Contractor keys may be issued to Support Services and Information Technology departments on an annual basis to facilitate daily contractor work. Keys must be requested by using the Access Control and Key Request/Agreement via Informed K12. The department administrator must facilitate daily control of the keys issued to contractors. Contractors are responsible for the cost of re-keying locks that may have been compromised due to non-return of keys issued to the contractors.

building Hours
  • Building hours available for staff access:
    • Monday through Friday: 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
    • Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Operating hours for public use buildings will be adjusted as necessary per room/event reservations.
  • Departmental requests for unlocking a building for a special event must be submitted via the room reservation process. Operating hours will be adjusted as necessary for approved events.
  • All FPSD buildings will be locked on days that the school district is officially CLOSED for Scheduled Paid Holidays/Vacation Days, weather related, or emergency reasons. Pre-authorized card access for employees will remain unchanged on these days.
  • Staff members of Information Technology, Support Services, and Safety and Security departments will always have access to all electronically controlled doors. The list of master level access will be determined by the Deputy Superintendent or designee.
Lost, Stolen, or misplaced access cards and/or Keys
  • Stolen, lost, or misplaced access cards and/or keys must be reported immediately (within 24 hours) by the access card/key holder to their building administrator.
  • Building administrators must report a stolen, lost, or misplaced access card and/or key immediately (within 24 hours) to Information Technology, Safety and Security, and Support Services departments.
  • An incident report must be filed with the Safety and Security Department prior to submitting a replacement request. The replacement request must include appropriate approvals for reissuing the access card and/or key and a copy of the incident report.
  • The Safety and Security Department may investigate lost and/or stolen access cards or keys. Referral to law enforcement for further investigation may occur.
  • Replacement access cards and/or keys may be issued by Support Services and Information Technology departments upon appropriate approval.
  • If a card/key holder has lost or forgotten their access card/keys and needs access to a space, the card/key holder must contact the building administrator or department lead for access. Identification may be requested. The building administrator or department lead will decide on the issuance of temporary access cards/keys when necessary.
  • The Deputy Superintendent is authorized to establish a fee charged to individuals for replacement of an access card and/or key.
Access Card and Key Procedure Violations 

Persons in violation of these access control and key procedures may be subject to district discipline policies and procedures. The following acts are examples of violations of building access control procedures:

  • Loaning an access card and/or key(s) to others.
  • Transfer of an access card and/or key(s) to others.
  • Unauthorized use of an access card and/or key(s) with the purpose or intent to commit a theft offense.
  • Unauthorized duplication of an access card and/or key(s).
  • Attempting to secure any campus area with an unauthorized locking device. Unauthorized locks, padlocks, and security devices that are not compatible with the campus access card/master key system are subject to immediate removal at the expense of the installer.
  • Damaging or tampering with any district lock, access control or door hardware, or any other attempt to defeat or disable any access control system.
  • Propping open secure doors.
  • Allowing unauthorized persons into a secure building or area.
  • Failure to return an access card and/or key(s) when leaving the district, or when otherwise requested by authorizing department.
  • Failure to report a missing access card and/or key(s).
Requesting change in Access CARD and/or keys

All requests for access cards and/or keys must be submitted using the Access Control and Key Request/Agreement via Informed K12. Requests will be routed to the appropriate level administrator according to the Authorization Matrix. Use the Authorization Matrix as the guide for acquiring appropriate signature approval for the request.

  • Requests for after-hours card access to the building exterior doors should be limited to those with an office in the respective building. Access will only be granted to employees who have demonstrated an academic, administrative, or service need that cannot be satisfied during normal building hours of operations.
  • Special access requests for ongoing access outside of building hours for specific groups must be submitted in writing to the building administrator and the Safety and Security Director. Approved special requests can be revoked at any time.
ACCESS CARD and/or Key Return
  • When an individual’s need for an access card no longer exists, whether because of termination of employment or other reasons, it is the responsibility of the employee to return the card as part of the building check-out process. It is the responsibility of the employee’s home department to track and report to Information Technology and Support Services departments when access needs to be removed from an individual’s access card. The district reserves the right to deactivate access cards at any time.
  • When an individual’s need for a key no longer exists, whether because of termination of employment or other reasons, it is the responsibility of the employee to promptly return the keys as part of the building check-out process. Until this documentation is signed, the employee will be held responsible for the safety and security of the keys and the access they provide. For reasons of security and data control, it is prohibited for any department to reassign any key from one individual to another.
Date: 10/8/24