6212P Procedure - Procurement Cards

The location administrator or supervisor will send an email to the Business Services office requesting an employee procurement card.
  1. The Business Services office will notify the new cardholder when the card is available for pick up from the Business Services office.
  2. The cardholder must meet with appropriate Business Services staff to review procurement card procedures prior to using the procurement card.
The procurement card may be used by the cardholder for the payment of authorized expenses on behalf of their district work location.
  1. Authorized Uses
    1. The procurement card may be used to make pre-approved purchases that do not exceed the cardholder’s authorized credit limit.
    2. The procurement card may be used at any qualified merchant that accepts Master Card. The procurement card may not be used at Costco or WINCO.
    3. Examples of approved purchases include:
1.      Office supplies
2.      Subscriptions
3.      Books
4.      Classroom materials
5.      Registrations
6.      Conference travel
7.      Meeting supplies
  1. Unauthorized Uses
a. The procurement card may not be used for the following items:
1.    Gas, personal food, or other unauthorized travel costs per district travel policy
2.    Gift cards
3.    School swag (t-shirts, clothing)
4.    Payment prior to receipt of goods (except for professional books and subscriptions)
5.    Cash advances, personal purchases, cash refunds, or for any non-district purpose
6.    Charitable contributions
  1. All technology software and hardware purchases must be purchased by the Information Technology department.
3.    ASB Purchases
  1. Elementary office managers and middle school and high school financial coordinators are responsible for ASB procurement cards and their purchases.
  2. All ASB purchases must be pre-approved in the ASB minutes.
  3. The ASB student officer’s signature should appear on the front of the monthly procurement card statement next to the cardholder and supervisor’s signatures.
  1. The cardholder is responsible for ensuring that all required steps are completed when placing an order, including:
    1. Determining if the total transaction value of the purchase is within the cardholder’s transaction limit (including taxes, freight, shipping and handling).  If the item exceeds the cardholder’s transaction limit, the purchaser should work with the office manager to determine if another card should be used or if a credit limit increase should be requested.
    2. Obtaining approval from an immediate supervisor or department manager PRIOR to making the purchase. 
    3. Contacting the supplier and placing the approved order or going to the store and making the purchase.
    4. Providing the supplier with the procurement card number and expiration date.  If billing address and phone number are requested, use the district office address and phone number. The shipping address should be the address for your location. NEVER ship to a home address.
    5. Requesting the supplier enclose a copy of the procurement card receipt and a copy of the sales slip with each shipment to confirm pricing, applicable taxes, etc.
  1. Each individual checking out/using a procurement card completes an agreement for use of a procurement card.  Inappropriate use of the card by an individual may result in: 
a.  Permanent revocation of procurement card privileges
b.  Assignment of wages for repayment of discrepancies
c.  Disciplinary measures that may include termination and legal action
  1. Procurement cards are issued only to District employees.
  2. All technology software and hardware and purchases must be purchased by the Information Technology department.
  3. An original receipt showing the vendor, date of purchase, detail of items purchased, and cost must be retained for every transaction. These receipts must be retained for the mandatory records retention period of seven years.  Records may be put into storage but must be available if needed.
  4. Receipts must be returned to the office manager within two weeks.  A pattern of not turning in the receipts may result in losing the privilege of using the procurement card.
  5. Reviews of the site records will be conducted by Business Services.  The reviews will look at compliance with District procurement card procedures and other related policies. 
  6. Requests for additional procurement cards or changes to existing cards should be submitted to Business Services.  Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Statements will be printed by the office manager on the 21st day of each month. The office manager will attach all receipts to the statement.
  1. Statements must be reviewed, and accuracy verified. 
  2. Cardholder and budget administrator must sign all statements.
  3. Each location must keep copies of the approved statement and receipts supporting the charges for auditing purposes.
If the vendor or supplier does not accept a procurement card, then a purchase order may be used to cover the payment.
Cardholders should make sure vendors include sales tax on all purchases. Questions related to tax can be answered by Business Services.
Procurement cards must be kept in a secure location and the account number must be safeguarded. The cardholder, or approved designee should be the only one using the card. The procurement card number should not be posted at the cardholder’s desk or any other place easily accessible to others.
If the procurement card is lost or stolen, the cardholder must contact Business Services immediately. The card will be closed, and a new card will be issued within five to ten business days. If the old card is located at a later date, it must be destroyed by cutting it in half and disposing of it. No attempt should be made to use the old card.
  1. When a cardholder leaves the district, the cardholder must return the procurement card to Business Services.
  2. Contact Business Services if you are transferred to another work location.
In case of discrepancies or disputed charges, the supplier should be contacted first. Most exceptions or issues can generally be resolved between the cardholder and the supplier/merchant by way of an adjustment that would appear on the next statement. If the cardholder is unable to obtain an acceptable resolution Business Services should be contacted for assistance.
If a purchased item needs to be returned for any reason, arrangements should be made with the supplier/merchant to have the item shipped/delivered to the supplier’s place of business or warehouse. A copy of any shipping documents used for this purpose should be kept and the transportation company should have the supplies sign for receipt of any items being returned. The supplier/merchant should issue credit for any item that has been discussed and agreed to for return. The cardholder should review subsequent statements to assure that this credit has been processed and posted to the procurement card account.
Return of some disputed items, because of the purchase complexity may have to be submitted in writing. All written communications must be submitted within 60 days of the date the item first appeared on the procurement statement.
To ensure the continued success of the procurement card program and in order to meet audit requirements, reviews of the cardholders’ transaction files will occur. Business Services will perform reviews of the procurement card documentation. The purposes of the review are to check that each purchase is authorized and to ensure procurement card procedures are being followed.
Requests for assistance with use of procurement cards or questions about limits, card restrictions, suppliers, or to process a formal dispute on a transaction should be forwarded to the Business Services office.


Date: 8/15/23