6702 Wellness
The board recognizes that a healthy school experience and environment prepares students and staff to contribute to a thriving community. Wellness will be defined through a holistic lens that covers a variety of dimensions including but not limited to nutrition, nutrition education, physical activity, physical education, recess, health education, social/emotional supports, physical safety, and identity safety. Individuals who experience wellness and balance are more likely to learn more in the classroom and perform better in their respective roles. The board supports the district’s focus on wellness and recognizes the impact individual wellness can have on the collective community. Therefore, it is the policy of the district to provide all staff and students with opportunities to experience and practice well-being.
Wellness Policy
The district, through a wellness committee, will develop and implement a comprehensive wellness plan. In addition to the strategies identified to address wellness, the plan will be in compliance with state and federal requirements for districts participating in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.
All schools, as a best practice and subject to available funding, will participate in a multi-component approach by which schools use all opportunities for students and staff to experience wellness and will provide the following:
- Quality physical education;
- Physical activity, during the school day (e.g., brain boosters/energizers);
- Physical activity before and after school;
- Recess that aims to be safe, inclusive, and high quality;
- Family and community partnership;
- Staff wellness and health promotion;
- Opportunities for active transportation to school;
- Access to school district facilities for physical activity, fitness, sports, enrichment and recreation programs; and
- Confronting the institutional racism and inequities within our district and its systems that perpetuate these disparities.
Legal References:
7 CFR, Part 245.5