6905 Site Acquisition
The district will attempt to acquire building sites in advance of the actual need to construct facilities in order to minimize delay in projects and to realize financial savings to the district. The Board will periodically review its inventory of land in light of growth trends in the district and local land use restrictions, and make such transactions as it determines will best meet the future needs of the district.
Prior to any purchase of real estate, the district will obtain a market value appraisal by a professionally designated real estate appraiser or by a general real estate appraiser certified under Chapter 18.140 RCW. The Board will select the appraiser. The appraisal should identify the relevant zoning and Growth Management Act specifications to determine whether the intended use of the property is legally permitted. The district may investigate whether real estate outside the Urban Growth Area can be utilized for the siting of schools and school facilities.
In acquiring a new site, the Board should first attempt to reach settlement with the owner through negotiations. Eminent domain proceedings may be commenced at the outset of the decision to purchase a particular site to avoid delay in the event of a negotiations breakdown. The district may resort to condemnation when it believes that negotiations will not lead to an amicable settlement. The district will comply with applicable relocation assistance requirements relating to the acquisition of sites.
The Board must approve any purchase of real estate.
Legal References:
Chapter 8.16 RCW Eminent Domain by School Districts
Chapter 8.26 RCW Relocation Assistance — Real Property Acquisition Policy
RCW 28A.335.090 Conveyance and acquisition of property —Management — Appraisal
RCW 28A.335.220 Eminent Domain
Chapter 36.70A RCW Growth Management Act
Chapter 39.33 RCW Intergovernmental Disposition of Property
ESHB 1017 and HB 2243 School Siting — Rural Areas — Growth Management Act
Adoption Date: 12/12/17
Franklin Pierce Schools
Classification: Discretionary