2320P Procedure - Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education
The following procedures are to be followed and are the responsibility of teachers or advisors planning student field trips.
Local Field Trip (within Pierce County and not overnight)
Submit a field trip application to the principal at least three weeks prior to the proposed trip.
If approved by the principal, contact the site to make final arrangements for the trip.
A parent permission form must be sent to each parent or guardian for signature and returned to the school before the trip begins. The form will contain a minimum of the following information:
Purpose of trip;
Date and times of trip;
Method of travel; and
Clothing, food, and materials which students are expected to supply.
Arrangements for chaperones will be completed as required by the appropriate administrator. There will be at least one (1) chaperone for each 15 students in grades K-8. In general, the same ratio will apply for grades 9-12 with exceptions allowed at the principal's discretion.
Extended Field Trip (outside of Pierce County and not overnight)
Submit a field trip application to the principal at least three weeks prior to the proposed trip.
If approved by the principal, the application will be forwarded to the assistant superintendent for review.
If approved by the assistant superintendent, contact the site to make final arrangements for the trip.
A parent permission form must be sent to each parent or guardian for signature and returned to school before the trip begins. The form will contain a minimum of the following information:
Purpose of trip;
Date and times of trip;
Method of travel; and
Clothing, food, and materials which students are expected to supply.
A medical release, code of conduct, and related statement of disciplinary action will be signed by the student, parent or guardian, and teacher/advisor.
It is recommended that students purchase accident insurance or have family accident insurance.
Arrangements for chaperones will be made as required by the principal and assistant superintendent. There will be at least one (1) chaperone for each 15 students in grades K-8. Any exceptions to this ratio for grades 9-12 will be at the principal's discretion.
If the return time is planned to be more than 3 hours after the normal dismissal time, a list of students and adults participating in the field trip and their phone numbers will be filed with the school office and the principal or his/her designee prior to leaving on the trip. If there is an emergency or an excessive delay in returning from the field trip, the principal or his/her designee will be contacted by the staff advisor, and a determination of whether or not to contact parents will be made.
Overnight and/or Out-of-State Field Trip, but Limited to United States and Canada
Definition of "out-of-state": Beyond 30 miles of the Washington State border. Vancouver, B.C., is not considered "out-of-state."
- Discuss the concept of the field trip with the principal at least eight weeks prior to the proposed trip.
- If the principal gives support for the concept, discuss it with students and parents to determine their level of interest.
- Develop a complete written proposal regarding the field trip. Submit it 4 weeks prior to the proposed trip for review by the principal.
- If approved, the principal will submit an overnight field trip application form to the office of the superintendent two weeks before a School Board meeting prior to the proposed trip for Board approval.
- If approved by the School Board, contact the site to make all final travel and financial arrangements.
- When a travel request for an overnight field trip with students requires expedited approval within the normal two week timeline due to special circumstances or unanticipated events, the superintendent is authorized to approve such request on behalf of the Board and will submit the travel request at the next Board meeting. Such circumstances and events include: student groups qualifying for state, regional, or national competitions; inclement weather that forces a cancellation of a Board meeting; or other events deemed reasonable by the superintendent.
- A parent permission form must be sent to each parent or guardian for signature and returned to school before the trip begins. The form will contain a minimum of the following information:
- Purpose of the trip;
- Destination;
- Departure date and time;
- Return date and time;
- Method of travel;
- Clothing, food, materials, and expense money that students are expected to provide; and
- Names of advisors and chaperones.
- A medical release, code of conduct, and related statement of disciplinary action will be signed by the student, parent, and teacher/advisor.
- It is recommended that students purchase accident insurance or have family accident insurance.
- Arrangements for chaperones will be made as required by the principal and assistant superintendent. There will be at least one (1) chaperone for each 15 students unless other arrangements have been approved by the principal and by the assistant superintendent. It will be the responsibility of the staff advisor to know and follow the provisions set forth in Procedure 2320P.
- A list of students and adults participating in the field trip and their phone numbers will be filed with the school office and the principal or his/her designee prior to leaving on the trip. If there is an emergency or an excessive delay in returning from the field trip, the principal or his/her designee will be contacted by the staff advisor, and a determination of whether or not to contact parents will be made.
Athletic Trips
Arrangements for athletic trips will be made by the appropriate coach, athletic director, or principal, and parents will be notified. The Franklin Pierce School District Athletic Code and Student Agreement will be followed.
Travel requests should be submitted when the trip is out of state or overnight and there will be a district expenditure, i.e., substitute, gas credit card, fees, etc.
Travel requests must be submitted to the office of the superintendent two weeks before a School Board meeting prior to the proposed trip for Board approval.
Travel request timelines for WIAA tournament participation will be waived. Arrangements should be made as soon as eligibility is known.
The following procedures are to be followed for acquiring transportation for field trips, excursions, and outdoor education:
Requesting the Use of District Vehicles
School staff requiring school buses or district vans for school trips must make arrangements and seek approval through the respective building principal.
The staff member responsible for the trip will complete the Transportation Request form by providing all of the necessary information in the unshaded area of the form. If the trip is approved, the principal will sign the form and send it to the transportation office. Arrangements for the use of district vehicles must be made a minimum of ten school days prior to the anticipated trip. Buses are scheduled at transportation in the order that properly completed. Transportation Request forms are received at the transportation office.
No field trip buses will be scheduled to load before 9:00 a.m. or return to the district later than 1:45 p.m. unless a special approval is obtained in advance by the transportation supervisor.
Adult Drivers of Private Vehicles
Normally, private vehicles are not used to transport students on field trips. However, the principal may give approval for the use of private vehicles if district transportation is not available and the trip is within the greater Tacoma area.
If an adult non-staff member is asked to drive his/her private vehicle to transport students on a field trip, the Field Trip Adult Driver of Private Vehicle form will be completed by the potential driver and submitted to the principal.
Passengers of a Private Vehicle
If a student agrees to ride in a private vehicle to participate in a field trip, the Private Vehicle Permission Form for a Passenger form must be signed by the parent or guardian and filed with the school office prior to the trip.
Student Drivers of Private Vehicles and Student Passengers
Under special circumstances, students may drive themselves to or from school events with the consent of the parent and principal.
No student driver under the age of 18 will transport other students in their vehicle.
Student drivers who are 18 years of age or older may transport other students in their vehicle to or from a school event only if:
- The student driver has turned in a completed Field Trip Adult Driver of Private Vehicle form to the school office prior to the trip.
- The student passenger(s) have turned in the Private Vehicle Permission Form for a Passenger form, signed by the parent or guardian, to the school office prior to the trip.
Failure to follow these procedures may result in disciplinary sanctions for both the student driver and passenger(s).
The following procedures are to be followed by teachers or advisors planning extended or overnight student field trips:
The certified staff advisor in charge of the field trip will review acceptable standards of conduct with students in advance of the trip.
The code of conduct, statement of disciplinary action, and medical release will be signed by all students who participate, their parent or guardian, and staff/advisor prior to participating in the trip.
Code of Conduct
All school rules and district policies are in effect on trips. For example,
Show courtesy and respect toward others at all times.
No possession or use of tobacco products.
No consumption or possession of alcohol, other drugs, or paraphernalia.
No use of vulgar or obscene language or acts of lewdness.
All rules, including schedules and curfew, will be strictly adhered to.
Statement of Disciplinary Action
The following are examples of disciplinary action which may be taken in the event that the code of conduct, school policies, or district policies are not followed:
- Sent home immediately at his/her own expense.
- Placed in the care of a chaperone.
- Confined to a specified area.
- Referred to school administration.
- Students found in violation of the district’s Student Rights and Responsibility policy, regarding, but not limited to, use/possession of alcohol, other drugs, or paraphernalia will be subject to expulsion, suspension, or discipline which could result in loss of credits, denial of a diploma, or removal from school activities, such as, but not limited to, commencement, trips, and athletics.
Medical Release
The parent/guardian is asked to state that their child is physically fit to participate and supply the name and address of the family doctor. Authorization is granted to the director of the group to secure proper medical attention and/or hospitalization of the student in the event of a medical emergency. The parent or guardian will be contacted prior to such action or as soon as possible.
- All groups on field trips are to be under the direction of a certified staff advisor.
- If a substitute is required for a staff member, arrangements will be made by the school. If the trip is out of state or overnight and a substitute is required, this will be requested on the standard district travel request form.
- There will be at least one chaperone for each 15 students. Any exceptions to this require approval of the building principal and the assistant superintendent. Chaperones must be at least 21 years old and approved by the principal.
- Staff advisors and chaperones must complete a volunteer application form and undergo a background check prior to the field trip, as well as set a proper example by following all standards required of students.
- Staff advisors’ and chaperones’ responsibilities on overnight field trips are as follows:
- Conduct reasonable personal searches of students and/or their baggage, hotel rooms, etc., for tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, or paraphernalia at any time that a reasonable cause exists for suspecting that one or more of the students may have possession of such substances.
- Pre-establish a curfew time, generally no later that 12:00 a.m. (midnight), for students and adults accompanying the trip and conduct a room check/bed check at that time.
- Before a personal search or room check/bed check is made, it is the responsibility of the staff advisor to make sure there is an adult present who is of the same gender as the student involved. If illegal activity is suspected, it is recommended that the staff advisor secure assistance from law enforcement.
- Always have at least one staff advisor or chaperone with or accessible to the students at all times.
- Know who other adult supervisors are at events and establish contact with these people should questions or problems develop.
- Before departure, be sure that students are well aware of expectations of proper conduct, the consequences for improper behavior, and are comfortable with checks, curfews, etc. Students who are not willing to abide by these precautions or who do not have parental/guardian permission forms and medical releases will not go on or join the trip.
- Chaperones/advisors have full authority to detain, question, and check students if there are reasonable grounds for taking such action. Students are expected to obey a reasonable request by staff advisors or chaperones at any time.
Date: 6/24/86
Revised: 8/7/91; 3/16/94; 7/8/08; 10/13/09; 2/9/10; 9/14/10; 10/12/10; 1/18/11; 5/8/12; 11/12/13; 10/13/15