2195 Academic Acceleration

The Board recognizes the need for all high school students to have greater access to rigorous advanced courses, including dual credit programs. To that end, the district will automatically consider for enrollment those students who meet the state standard on the high school statewide student assessment in the next most rigorous level of advanced courses offered by the high school. 
Beginning in the 2015-2016 academic year, multiple measures will be used for automatic student enrollment in accelerated programs or courses. State assessments in reading, writing, math, and science will be used as an initial screener to determine placement. Student performance, cumulative grade point average, and teacher/counselor judgment will also be utilized in placement into accelerated programs or courses. None of the measures used for automatic enrollment will preclude or limit any student from self-selection.
The district will notify students and parents/guardians regarding the academic acceleration policy and the advanced courses available to students. The district will provide the parent/guardian with an opportunity for the student to opt out of participation in the academic acceleration process.
Legal References:
RCW 28A.300 Superintendent of Public Instruction       
RCW 28A.320 Provisions applicable to all districts
Adoption Date: 9/9/14
Franklin Pierce Schools
Classification: Discretionary