2108 Learning Assistance Program
The district will implement a learning assistance program designed to enhance educational opportunities for students enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade who do not meet state English language arts or mathematics standards by providing supplemental instruction and services to those students.
Selection of Students
Students participating in the district’s learning assistance program will be limited to the following:
Students who score below standard for his/her grade level using multiple measures of performance, which may include the statewide student assessments or other assessments and performance measurement tools administered by the school or district:
Students who are in grades eleven or twelve and are not on track to meet state or local graduation requirements;
Students identified in eighth grade in need of high school transition services, which may continue up through the end of ninth grade; or
Students who are identified by the district as being significantly at-risk of not being successful in school and to be served under the district’s readiness to learn program.
Best Practices
The district will use best practices in providing learning assistance program services to participating students. The district will select practices and strategies in accordance with WAC 392-162-041.
Coordination with Other Programs
The district may coordinate federal, state, and local programs in order to serve the maximum number of students who are below grade level in basic skills. Students receiving assistance in another special needs program may also be served in the learning assistance program if they meet student eligibility and selection requirements.
Annual Report to OSPI
The district will submit an annual report to the superintendent of public instruction detailing the following:
The amount of academic growth gained by students participating in the learning assistance program;
The number of students who gain at least one year of academic growth;
The specific practices, activities, and programs used by each school building that received learning assistance funds; and
The number of students served by the learning assistance program during the school year who were able to exit the program because student academic growth resulted in meeting the academic standard for grade level.
Legal References: Chapter 28A.165 RCW Learning assistance program
WAC 392-162 Special service program — Learning assistance
Adoption Date: 3/28/89
Franklin Pierce Schools
Revised: 7/27/04; 9/9/08; 12/10/19
Revised: 7/27/04; 9/9/08; 12/10/19
Classification: Essential