1825 Addressing School Board Director Violations

Policy Statement
The Board recognizes that failure to deal with deliberate or continuing violations of the law, Board policies, or lapses in good judgment by its school board members risks the loss of community confidence and damages the Board’s ability to govern effectively. Therefore, in the event of a board member’s willful and/or continuing violation of law, policy, or judgment the Board will address the issue through the following process, which is intended to escalate only as necessary:
  1. Conversation in a private setting between the offending school board director and the board chair or another individual school board director, identified by the Board;
  2. Discussion in a properly convened executive session between the offending school board director and the full Board;
  3. Possible removal of the offending school board director from any leadership or committee positions to which the offending school board director has been appointed or elected to by the Board;
  4. Censure of the offending school board director by adopting a resolution in an open meeting as a means of separating the Board’s focus and intent from those of the offending school board director.
Legal References:  
RCW 28A.320.040      Bylaws for board and school government
RCW 28A.635.050      Certain corrupt practices of school officials
Adoption Date: 4/12/22
Franklin Pierce Schools
Classification: Discretionary
Revised Dates: